Hey Everyone!
My name is Krysti and I'm a sophomore at Saint Michael's College double majoring in Journalism and Anthropology. This is my first blog ever, so I apologize in advance if I do or say anything wrong.
Just to tell you a little bit more about myself I'm originally from a very small, I admit, hick town in Northern Vermont. Somehow I managed to escape all the hunting, gossiping, and mudding unharmed. That may have had something to do with my best friend, whom I've known since pre-school, Phillip (pic below):

I came to Colchester, partly to escape that small town life, but also to experience new things and meet new people. Since coming to SMC I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people that have not only inspired me to do great things (my anthropology advisor has traveled to over 60 countries and can speak 5 languages well, crazy, right?), but have also just been there for me when I needed someone.

My roommate, Lauren and I
The experiences I have gained through the Journalism department have also opened up so many incredible opportunities for me at home. Last summer I did an internship with my local county newspaper, The News and Citizen, that led to many publish stories some of which even ended up on the front page!! I had a lot of freedom during that internship and wrote about everything from the local boy scout camp closing, to fires, to school board meetings (not the most exciting stories), to rescue efforts to save escaped calves. It was an amazing experience that has actually led to a job offer for this summer. One of the reports on staff is leaving the end of spring and the paper has hired me to work for them part time over the summer, so I'll be getting even more articles published! I'm just so excited! To be hired as a journalist while still in college, I never saw that coming!
Another upcoming event in my life, that I've pretty much been waiting my entire life to do is a semester abroad in Germany!!! I leave the end of August and travel all the way to Berlin for 3 and a half months! I'm so excited, words cannot describe how much I've wanted this. My grandmother is originally from Mannheim, Germany and ever since I could fathom that, I've always wanted to go there. I want to see where my grandmother grew up, where my family comes from, and now I finally have the opportunity to do that!
I will be going abroad through a program called Lexia, which isn't your typical go abroad and study at a university kind of thing. It's more hands on, lots of excursions (to Poland and possibly Prague, as well as all over Germany), and requires students to do a research project. This can be on anything to do with Germany and can take pretty much any format. My plan, if it works out, is to film a documentary on the German culture, which would be a great way to incorporate both of my majors!
I'm also excited to meet the family I have over there that I've never met before. I have like 4 great-uncles and tons of cousins in Germany, so my mom and I are planning on going over about 5 days early so she can introduce me to my family (whom she's already met) and can get a feel for the program (my mom's pretty worried about me going abroad, she wants to see where I'll be staying and everything). My grandmother actually called her brother, Albert in Germany, the other day to tell him that it was official and everything and I guess he's all exciting, he wants us to stay with him and everything, so I'm just really, really excited!!
That's about everything exciting happening in my life right now. I'm pretty much just focused on getting through the rest of this semester and making my way over to Berlin!!
But here are a few more pics of my life:

My family
(you can tell my dad and brother just love having their picture taken, lol)

Our almost 3 year old yellow lab, Dixie

Dixie, when she was still little and cute ... and not quite so mischievous
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