Monday, May 17, 2010

Quote Wall

So I thought I would back track to college, and talk a little about the "quote wall" that my roommate, Lauren, and I had in our room.

See, Lauren works at Tweeter, a concert place in Mass, and somehow she ended up with a life-size cut out of Kid Rock, which she brought to school with her. It was funny and more decoration for our room, so we decided to lean it up against our wall and leave it there all year. As time progressed we found a new use for Kid Rock ... as a quote wall! After that, anytime anyone said something funny or just plain stupid, we'd write it on a post-it note and stick on Kid Rock!

Here are some of the quotes that made it up:

~ At least you don't look like Ben Franklin! (Lauren S.)
~ Embrace your inner Rockie! (Greta)
~ Greta left her phone here ... text her! (Lauren L.)
~ It's ok, we're just sabotaging our friend ... Sabotaging, that a big word for 12:02 on a Wednesday night! (Lauren S.)
~ Keep it in your back pocket, when security comes, whip it out!
(Lauren L. - in reference to the Bible)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Finals Week

Hey Everyone!

So, I'm finally done with finals!!!!! No joke, I had to write like 6 papers, it was awful. So happy it's done and over with ... I'm officially a junior in college now ... Crazy!!!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a copy of my final TV News Reporting project up, but I have a link to where the whole TV newscast appears online: Knightlife News if you want to check it out.

I am now currently working my first day at my local paper, the News and Citizen ... I'm not slacking off right now, I'm just waiting for people to call me back, I swear! :)

And even though it is only my first day back, I've already been assigned like 4 stories to cover: an update on the asbestos mines in Eden (they're getting ready to clean up all asbestos that was left over from the mining days), an update on the Eden Boy Scout Camp (it's opening after being closed for a summer, due to asbestos), as well as an article on the Child Development Center at JSC, which is closing the end of June and an article about the possible "tornado" that struck down in Wolcott on Tuesday ... all supposedly for Monday's paper, and I haven't gotten ahold of anyone yet! It's going to be interesting weekend.

Oh, and speaking of the weekend, I also have to cover this skidding event, the Driver's Ed and Physic classes at People's Academy in Morrisville are putting on Sunday ...

On a more fun note, I am going to the Kid Cudi concert tonight at Middlebury College!!! So excited!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Winooski Family Center Blog

So I've finally finished my blog for the Winooski Family Center, complete with a cute picture of little kids and everything!

If you want to check it out here's the link: Student Volunteer.

* And I'm still working on transferring my final video over to my computer, so I can post it. It's a big file and needs to be sized down ... hopefully I'll have it up within a day or two.