Wednesday, April 14, 2010

TV News Reporting

I'm currently taking a class called TV News Reporting that focuses on broadcast journalism. Through this class I have learned how to film and edit actual news clips, so it's been pretty interesting.

We've even had the chance to produce our own videos, the first of which didn't have audio, because we were just learning to work with the visuals. But then we did a VO-SOT, basically a video with a voice over, which I have added here (sorry the quality isn't very good ... I'm not quite sure why).

(I've known Meghan since high school, so it was great being able to do my first real video with someone that I knew and was comfortable with. I actually think she was a little nervous at first, but she was really cute about the whole thing ... I was actually really surprised that I was able to film in the grocery store at all, I mean we asked the store manager and everything, and he didn't seem to care. So, it ended up working out really well!)

We are now currently working on our final projects, which we are going to be compiling into a "newscast." We will be going over to Lake Champlain Access TV and putting everything together. Everyone will be doing their own short videos (mine is on Professor Torolano who is retiring this year after being at SMC for 50 years!!!!), and will all take jobs and create our own news show, complete with anchors and everything!

I'm pretty excited, this is something that I've always wanted to know how to do and now I'm finally doing it! The only downside ... the class is once a week from 6:30 to 9:20 at night ... never again will I take class that goes that late!! But our professor is pretty nice, he can ramble at times and go over (which just about kills me), but he's a really nice guy and he has a lot of experience in the field. He actually works for WCAX (local VT news channel) filming and all that stuff, so he's a great resource!

Hopefully when I'm all done with the project (we're going over to LCATV Tuesday) I'll be able to post my video online. I'm in my final stages of filming now, only one more interview to go and then I'll be putting it all together and editing it! So, hopefully it all works out!

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