Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Der Ostee und Polen

So I finally made it up to the ocean and even into another European country ... all in one day! :-)

What happened was, we had originally only planned on going to the Baltic Sea for the afternoon, but then Hannah, our student advisor of sorts, discovered that there is this one small city in Poland that we could go to without our passports - a little sketchy I know, but we made it there and back okay!

So we ended up going to the Baltic Sea via this cute little town in Germany (Zinnowitz) for a few hours - enjoyed the view, had lunch there, looked for sea shells, that kinda thing - it was way to cold to actually go swimming, but we did put our feet and hands in the water! :-)

The Baltic Sea

With some of the girls at the beach :-)

And then we got back on the train and headed to Poland for a few hours. It was very interesting to see the difference between Berlin and Swinoujscie, the city we went to in Poland. The thing is Poland is a lot poorer than Germany is and the city we were in sort of had this depressing feeling about it. I'm sure that's not how it is in the entire country of Poland, but where we were there wasn't too much going on. I mean part of that probably had to do with the fact that it was Sunday and in Europe most shops and restaurants are closed on Sundays. But still, it just had a very different feeling than Berlin, and it made me appreciate the city I live in a lot more.

An older Polish man feeding the ducks - he was one of the few people we actually saw walking around the city - another difference from Berlin - there are a lot more cars and a lot less people riding bikes and walking in Swinoujscie.

Apartment building in Swinoujscie

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